Thursday, December 02, 2004

I'm slacking

I told myself I'd post daily, although I went a little more than that without a post. Not to worry! I got tons of stuff to talk about.

There's been some buzz about Apple creating a corporate blog. Om Malik was the first to mention it. The way he phrased it made it seem like it was Apple's "official" blog but after further inspection, it's really not. Today, several posts popped up asking the question. I mean it's Apple, you honestly thing they'd have a design like this. Not that it's bad or anything, but I would think they'd use a design similar to what their corporate web site looks like.

Another online advertising report popped up today. Jason has some commentary on it. This is the second article I've seen about this growth. BusinessWeek had an article in the November 22nd issue that claimed a 27% growth, which is huge. I see a lot of this spending going into blogs in 2005. As Jon pointed at a few weeks ago: companies pay over $200,000 for a one day, two page ad in USA Today, why not spend half of that and create a "brand" blog that lasts you 6 months to a year and create a lot more buzz?

Jason Giambi took steroids, which he obtained from Barry Bonds' personal trainer. Cheaters!

Some people I tell ya. Interest in the Livestrong bracelet seems to have fallen, although I still wear mine 24/7 since I got it in August. Up until a month ago, I got asked at least once a day what it was and what it meant, "I see everyone has one except me!" Lately, I haven't seen as many people wear it. Eddie Lampert (The Next Warren Buffett?) was wearing one on the cover of the November 22 BusinessWeek. The link at the beginning is from a post by Seth Godin -- are you still wearing one? Anyone else?

I guess I'll mention it: Microsoft's blogging tool, MSN Spaces, has been launched.

I was going through my RSS feeds one by one and noticed that Rojo Networks hasn't updated their blog in about two weeks and was wondering what's going on? I don't have an account but from what I've read, their service seems pretty cool! Hopefully they'll be out of beta soon. Rojo Team?

And finally, Pegasus News has some posts answering some questions from recent buzz around the blogosphere. I like what they're doing -- it's kind of like a startup blog. One could learn from this!

That's all I got for now. Can you believe a week ago we were stuffing our faces with Turkey? Time is flying! Christmas is almost here, but more importantly my birthday!