Monday, November 29, 2004

Monetize, monetizing, monetized, monetizes

Blogger didn't know the other verb form of monetize, monetizing. It suggested I replace it with monotheism.

Anything I should be worried about?

Pegasus News

This interesting concept that has me wanting to know more. Being from Dallas, I'm surprised I haven't heard more about it; then again the "Publisher" of the blog is staying anonymous due to concerns with his current job.

They're intention is to provide hyper-local news to us consumers. The content will come from other writers/bloggers; the more you provide, the less you pay to receive news. Also, they're advertising model will be pay-for-performance. Advertisers will love this, but I don't see Pegasus monetizing their efforts that well, especially in their print version. Every company wants to be less intrusive when it comes to putting ads in or around their services. I've never had a pay-for-performance model work for me. Then again, with most of the news being very niche, companies can pin-point which section they think will be best for them, and in return, best for Pegasus. Although if it doesn't work, Pegasus will be giving away free advertising.

They're talking big for being a year away in launching their product: "neighborhood coverage producing 10x the local news and information of the incumbent providers." (He brings his point home with this blog post.) That's a big number, given that The Dallas Morning News and Belo Corp. do a good job providing what I need to know. Although, with the power of blogs and bloggers, the "neighborhood gossip" is endless.

I see Mark Cuban jumping in on the bandwagon really soon. Read around the blog for some other great posts (funny guy too!).

Dan Rather should start a blog

How popular would that be?

Maybe he already has enough money and doesn't want to monetize a blog, but it still would be a great resource for many bloggers. Instead of wearing a suit everyday and driving to work, he could "work" in his boxers while in his heated pool, at whatever time he pleases, and earn a respectable amount of pocket change.

Mr. Rather: call me.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

BitTorrent is addicting

As it says in me "About" spiel to the right. I'm addicted to both The Apprentice and Desperate Housewives. This past week I missed both due to being with family members and/or traveling due to Thanksgiving. I turned to a few friends for help.

Whoa. I've downloaded a lot more stuff than the two episodes I missed. This is also perfect since I'll be out of the country for a few weeks, where the above shows aren't being aired and now I'll be able to keep up! Also, with the inclusion of RSS feeds on several torrent listings, I can keep up with new shows easily.

RSS: making life easier.

One more time

OK, this is my 6th time starting a blog -- each time before this I've stopped after a day or two of posts. Why? I do not know. Not this time though. I mean I work for a company that provides RSS and weblog solutions, I should already have an established blog.

6th time's a charm!